My New Podcast and Other Updates

I have some exciting news to share!

We’re in October of 2019, and I have to say…this has been one of the most exciting years! I’ve seen a lot of new things, traveled to places I haven’t been before [and another trip is coming up soon], and challenged myself in new ways.

Living a healthier lifestyle is something that I’m taking more seriously. I always thought of myself as somewhat healthy, but after amping up my workout routine, I can definitely see results and am gaining strength!

Also - My friend and I just started a podcast called The Outright Affect! It has been quite the journey [and learning curve] to start this new personal project. In a nutshell, we found that we were able to learn from each other’s experiences and perspectives. We felt that it was important to share our thought with everyone else to encourage meaningful conversation, and to become more open minded.

Watch the video below for more details on what’s been happening!