My YouTube Anniversary & 2019 Mid Year Goals

It’s been a year since I started my YouTube Channel!

This experience has opened my eyes so much to being creative and I’ve learned so much during the process.

I’ve taught myself how to use Final Cut Pro…which some might argue is still something that I still need to work on - but, there’s just so much to it!

BTW, did I mention that I haven’t used a Mac since maybe the early 90’s? I primarily use Windows for work, and on every other computer I’ve owned through high school and college. And, let’s be real, I didn’t totally switch over, but with the work that I’m trying to do, a Mac just came into the picture.

Ultimately, this post is to remind us all that it doesn’t have to be the beginning of the year to make goals. This isn't about resolutions for the new year.

It’s important for us to recognize, acknowledge and accept that goals need to be adjusted with what’s going on in our current life.