
Hi, I’m Shelly!

Thanks for visiting my blog! I was doing a bit of an overhaul and I’ve been working hard to get it back up and finally got it back up and running.

I wanted to write a quick introduction post for a couple of reasons.


I wanted to say a HUGE thank you to you for taking the time and visiting my little space on the internet!


I’m trying to be better about setting intentions. Let me just come out and say that I love learning about all types of topics on the internet. I think that I have a lot of credit to give to content creators who helped me learn so much about a variety of things that I had no idea about! From fashion and beauty, to cooking new recipes! I want to be better and share my own personal experiences and thoughts so that I can help and inspire others. I, myself, have been inspired by people with passion who I’ve been quietly learning from, whether they know it or not. My hope is to share the same type of inspiration with others.


I’m always looking to improve. [This is totally related to my statement above.] I am on this journey of blogging both in text and video format, so that I can tap in to my creative side that I have been suppressing for so long. There is some learning to do on my part, so please be patient. But, also help me to become better at this! I take pride in my work and what I put out into the world, and constantly want to improve. I always find value in learning from others, so if you have any tips and tricks, share them with me!

That’s all for now. I’m trying my best to keep myself to a routine with posting. :) Fingers crossed!